Home Baby Diaper Size and Weight Chart Guide

Diaper Size and Weight Chart Guide

Diaper Size and Weight Chart Guide

It is hard for first-time parents to understand the requirements of their infants. One of the most bought products when a baby is born is diapers. The trouble with buying diapers is that you can not buy any diaper and use it. If the diaper is too tight, it may cause rashes. Whereas if the diaper is too loose, it may lead to leakage and that is also something that you don’t want to happen. There are variety of diapers available in the market of various sizes and here we are to guide you how to buy the perfect diaper for your baby based on their weight.

Diaper Fit

As we all know, babies are unique and that is true even for their shapes and sizes and hence the diapers fit differently to each baby. And to make things a bit simpler, we decide to guide you on the basis of the baby weight rather than their age or even gender. And we will make sure that your baby finds a range of diaper that fits them perfectly.

Sometimes it also happens that there are two sizes that can fit your baby, this is the case because your baby is in a growing stage and there can be an overlap of sizes and you can then choose the perfect one based on your baby’s built.

Check-list to Know If the Diaper Fits or Not

Once you have bought the diaper for your baby, you need to crosscheck if it fits perfectly or not. And if not, then don’t waste time and get the other size, otherwise it could be harmful for your baby.

So here is a four-item checklist for you to understand if the diaper fits perfectly or not.

  1. The waistband of the diaper should be just under the belly button of your baby.
  2. There should not be any gap between the leg cuffs. You can run two fingers through to make few adjustments to prevent leakage.
  3. After you have fastened to diaper, make sure that you are able to fit two fingers under the waistband. This shows that the diaper is neither too tight nor too loose.
  4. When you remove the diaper, there should not be any red marks on your baby’s body.

When to Change Diaper Sizes

You should definitely keep in mind that your baby is growing and the time will come soon when the diapers that you are using will be tighter and smaller for them and that is the time when you have to change the diaper size.

So here are few signs that show that the current diaper doesn’t fit your baby anymore.

  1. If the tapes on the waistband don’t reach the middle upon fastening them, it’s the time for bigger sized diaper.
  2. If you cannot fit two fingers under the waistband comfortably, then the diaper is becoming tighter.
  3. If you see red marks on baby’s waist or thighs, then it’s the time to go for bigger diaper.
  4. Notice if the diaper is covering your baby’s entire bottom or not. And if not, then you should change the size.
  5. If your baby is suddenly starting to get diaper rash, it could be because the diaper is getting tighter and is not able to hold moisture away.
  6. If the baby themselves is showing discomfort as soon as you put the diaper on, then you should definitely change the diaper.

Preference of Diapers

Apart from sizes, there are other things too that you have to keep in mind while buying diapers. So here are some things to consider the perfect diaper based on different conditions.

  • Newborns have very delicate skin and hence you should consider the following things when buying a diaper:
  • Very soft surface
  • Maximum absorbing power to keep the skin dry
  • Should not rub against the umbilical cord stump
  • Easy to put on
  • If your baby is peaking their growth, you should focus on keeping the skin dry the most and hence you should choose the ones with maximum absorbing power.
  • If your baby has started moving or crawling, it is better that you look for the ones that are easier to put on and remove so that your job is done before they can escape.

Here is a size chart to choose the perfect fit diaper for your baby based on their weight

Diaper size

Baby weight (in pounds) Average number of diapers per day How long your baby might need this size (in months)
Size N diapers




Size 1 diapers




Size 2 diapers




Size 3 diapers




Size 4 diapers




Size 5 diapers




Size 6 diapers >35 5-7


The kind of diaper that you choose for your baby will not last forever. So, you need to make sure that you keep checking for any discomfort that your baby is feeling when you put the diaper on. Also, know that you know the body, size and shape of your baby the best. So, the final decision on what size diaper to choose rests on you. Look for the huge variety of options available in the market and choose wisely. Make sure to even get soothing baby lotions or talc to avoid any kind of discomfort that arises because of the diaper.



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