21 Gender Reveal Ideas to Inspire You

It is one of the most exciting days of the pregnancy when you finally get to know whether your baby is going to be a boy or a girl and even more exciting is to look at your partner or your family and friends’ face when they get to know what you are going to have. To reveal the gender of your baby you can choose to throw an amazing gender reveal party. These days, the uniqueness of the gender reveal has also been trending. So, here we come up with 21 exciting and unique gender reveal ideas to surprise or family and friends.

  1. Lines in Sand: If your friends are far away and you cannot throw a physical party then you can take a stick and scribble a simple ‘BOY’ or ‘GIRL’, or you can write something cute too. Take a picture of that with yourself in a corner where your belly is showing and you are holding a stick. Now you can use these pictures and send them via cards, or post it on social media.
  2. Gender Reveal Box: For this, you need to take a large balloon and put helium filled balloons in it. The balloons can be pink or blue, according to the gender. When you open the box, the balloons will fly out to reveal the gender.
  3. Pop the Balloon: Get an opaque balloon and make sure that when you blow it, nothing is visible on the inside. Now, fill it with blue or pink confetti. When the big moment comes, pop the balloon and the coloured confetti will tell everyone the gender of the baby.
  4. Gender Reveal Cupcakes: Cutting gender reveal cakes has become very common. So, you can try cupcakes or cake-pops instead. Order cupcakes with blue or pink filling for all your guests, depending on the sex of the baby, and when the time comes, all the guests are supposed to take a bite together. In this way, all the guests are involved in the reveal process.
  5. Gender Reveal Scavenger Hunt: To reveal the sex of the baby, you can literally plan out an entire treasure hunt for your guests to find out. This will take some time and planning, but the end result will be totally worth it.
  6. Gender Reveal with Paint: Paint can be used for both photos or a party. If you are ready to get a bit messy, fill some water guns with either blue or pink colour and have your guests shoot at you.
  7. Baby Bodysuit: Select a blue and a pink bodysuit from shop and hand over the sealed envelope that has the gender of baby written. The shopkeeper will pack the corresponding bodysuit and you can open the package at the party.
  8. Gender Reveal Art: Buy some spray paints of either blue or pink colour and hand one each to your guests at the party. Make sure that you cover the bottle using an opaque sheet. Give them all a sheet of canvas and at the same time, ask all of them to paint something creative on the canvas.
  9. Gender Reveal Date: For this, your partner can know the gender of the baby without letting you know and buy a piece of jewellery of the corresponding colour. They can ask you out on an intimate date and present you with the jewellery.
  10. Gender Reveal Bonfire: Invite all your friends and family for a bonfire party and throw in some colour changing chemical in it and look at everyone getting surprised.
  11. A Pink or Blue Gift Box: Wrap a blue or pink toy in a box and present it to all your guests at the party. The guests are supposed to open the present at the same time to reveal the gender of the baby.
  12. Gender Reveal Smoke Bomb: Gender reveal smokes are available these days in the market. Just hand the sealed envelope of containing baby’s gender to the shopkeeper and he will give you either blue of pink smoke bomb. Blow it during your gender reveal party.
  13. Get the Pets Involved: Involving your pets for the gender reveal is a very cute thing to do. You can attach something blue or pink to their collar or can just write it on a small board. You can even make them wear blue or pink coloured clothes.
  14. Have Older Brother or Sister Reveal It: If this is not your first child then you can get customised T-shirts for your older children like ‘I am getting a younger brother’ or ‘I am getting a baby sister’ and make them wear it during the party.
  15. Gender Reveal Fireworks: If you plan to have your gender reveal party at night, then this is a beautiful way of revealing it. Get either blue or pink firework and set them off during the party in an open ground.
  16. Vote for Gender: Take a white or black board and make two columns. Let the guests guess the gender of the baby and mark their answers on the board. The guests who guess the correct answer get small present.
  17. Silly String Gender Reveal: If you don’t mind cleaning a bit of the mess, you can get bottles of silly string of either blue or pink colour and make your guests cover you in silly strings for the big reveal.
  18. Gender Reveal Darts: Create a balloon dart board and fill small balloons with blue or pink paint. Shoot a dart at the board to reveal the gender of your baby.
  19. Blowing Bubbles: Get some bottles of blowing bubbles and ask your ultrasound technician to secretly add either blue or pink colour to it. On the day of party, blow bubbles and get surprised.
  20. Heads Up: Create customised card deck on the Ellen DeGeneres’ game Heads Up and make your guests act out and you can guess the gender of the baby.
  21. Gender Reveal Football: If you are a sports fan, buy balls for the sport that you like and fill it with bright blue or pink coloured powder that will explode on impact. Kick the ball in an open ground to reveal the sex of your baby using a coloured powder cloud.

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