40 Fun Baby Shower Games

Handling pregnancy is not an easy job, the discomfort, the pain, inability to do a lot of things, and much more. But things don’t have to be hard work always. Especially the day when you want to celebrate the arrival of your little one with your friends and family. There are a number of fun activities that you can do of course, other than receiving beautiful gifts. You can play plenty of fun games with you guests to keep them entertained. So, here we come up with 40 such amazing games to play during your baby shower.

  1. Who’s that Baby?

To play this game, you will have to ask all your guests to bring a baby photo of themselves. You can place these photos on the table or tape them to a wall and have everyone try to match the guest with their baby photos. This game is an amazing icebreaker.

  1. Embarrassing Baby Stories

Here is a simple game without any materials required but is sure to give some good laughter. Make each person tell an embarrassing baby story of theirs.

  1. Bobbing for Pacifiers

For this game you will need a tub filled with water and 10-15 pacifiers. Make your guests surround the tub and put the pacifiers in the tub. Now you let the guests trying their luck in bobbing for those pacifiers with their hands behind their backs. You can also number the pacifiers and attach that number to a small gift.

  1. You Can’t Say That

At the beginning of the baby shower, gather everyone around and choose a word that is forbidden. If you want to make this game very difficult, you can forbid the word ‘baby’. And throughout the party, everyone is not supposed to say that word. The person who manages to not say the word till the end, wins.

  1. Find the Guest

In this game all you have to do is take your guest list and make not of fun facts about all of them. Type and print the list of fun facts about each guest without mentioning who that person is. Leave one list on each guest’s seat. When the guests arrive, their task is to get to know each other quickly and try to guess the guest based on the fun facts.

  1. Baby Bucket List

You need a small bucket for this activity. Give all your guests a pen and a paper and ask them to write about one thing that they wish happens to/for the baby in their lifetime and put it in the bucket. You can read all the things out loud in the end.

  1. What Am I?

Make small cards, one for each guest and write one baby item on each card like dirty diaper, pacifier, crib, and more. When the guests arrive, pin one card on the back of each guest. Now they have to meet one another and ask yes or no questions to guess what item was pinned to them. As soon as they guess right, they can take off the card.

  1. What is Her Age Again?

Collect some 10-15 photos of the mom-to-be before her pregnancy. All the guests are supposed to guess the age of the mom in every picture. The one with most correct guesses, wins.

  1. Because I Said So!

Give a small piece of paper and pen to each of your guest and ask them to write one piece of advice that they associate with their mom and dad. Now fold all the papers and put them in a bowl. Now start opening one chit after another and try to guess who would have written that. And imagine if that person would be giving same advice to their kids.

  1. Blindfolded Diaper Changing

This is a very fun game. But for this you will need a couple of baby dolls and packets of diapers. As the game suggests, each guest will be blindfolded and will be given a doll who is wearing a diaper already and a clean diaper. They have to remove the dirty diaper, wipe the baby doll and change into a clean diaper. The person who does this correctly and is able to do it in least amount of time, wins.

  1. Don’t Drop the Baby

For this game, you need some eggs, paints and decorative material. Give each guest an egg and ask them to make it into a baby using paint and other decorative material. Now put the egg in the spoon and start the race from one point to other. The spoon can either be held by hands or can be put between the teeth. The person who drops the egg, is out and the person who finishes the race first, wins. You can use hardboiled eggs to avoid the mess.

  1. Animal Babies

Make a list of different animals and their young ones. Many of us actually don’t know what the babies of different animals are called and that is what makes this game interesting. Make the guests work in teams to identify at least 10-15 animals and their young ones.

  1. Ice Ice Baby!

For this game, take small plastic babies and clean them thoroughly. Put these babies in ice-cube tray and pour water over them. Let it freeze for the entire night. When the guests arrive, put one ice cube with a baby in it in their drink. The guests are supposed to pay attention to the melting ice. As soon as the ice completely melts, the guest is supposed to scream, “Me Water Broke!”. The guest who calls first, wins.

  1. “Baby” Songs

Pair up your guests and set the timer for three minutes. Ask them to list down as many songs as possible with the word ‘baby’ or ‘babe’ in it. The team that comes up with the greatest number of songs within 3 minutes, wins.

  1. Play Dough Babies

Get play dough of different colours and distribute them to your guests. Now this is the time to show off their artistic skills. The aim of the game is to make the cutest baby using the play dough. You can even limit the time to make the baby.

  1. Fashion Designing

Buy a bunch of baby onesies and markers that are used to write on cloth. Give one onesie to each guest along with the markers and ask them to go crazy. They can design the onesie however they wish to. You can get more decorative material to spice things up.

  1. We’re Having A Baby

Split your guests into team of 4-5. Give them each a balloon and ask them to stand with their team. Now all of them are supposed to blow the balloon and stick it under their shirt. Then next step is to bump their bellies together and try to burst the balloon. The team which bursts them sooner, wins.

  1. Baby Bottle Chugging Contest

Get one baby bottle for each of your guest and fill the bottle with either water, milk, juice or iced tea. You can either set a timer as to who drinks the most within a minute or you can compete based on who chugs the entire bottle the fastest.

  1. Balloon Baby Twister

Have each guest blow at least one balloon and stick it under their shirt and now play the awkward game of twister. Let the mom-to-be sit and watch as there will be a number of uncomfortable poses, popping of balloons and a lot of laughter.

  1. Before They Were Famous

Print the pictures of celebrities when they were young and not famous. Now it is the time for each guest to guess the name of the celebrity correctly. The person who guesses the most correct name, wins.

  1. Hang the Diaper

Make two or three clotheslines by asking the guests to hold the ends of the strings. Now divide the guests into teams and ask them to hang as many diapers as possible on the clotheslines, using mini clothespins. The team to hang maximum diapers in a given time, wins.

  1. Toilet Paper Diaper Race

Divide the guests into teams of two and give them a roll of toilet paper. One person of the team is supposed to make a diaper on the other teammate. The team that makes most functional diaper in the given time, wins.

  1. Baby Shower Bingo

Print empty 4×4 bingo cards before the shower and give one sheet to each guest with a pen. Ask them to write the common baby shower gifts that are given across the grid. In the end of the party, when the mom-to-be opens the gifts, the guests mark their bingo. The first person to complete a row, a column or a diagonal, wins.

  1. Blindfolded Spoon Feeding

Split the guests into teams of two. One of the team members puts a blindfold on. Now the task is to tie a bib and feed all the baby food to the other member while being blindfolded. The team to finish all the food first with the least mess, win.

  1. The Price Is Right

For this game you need to make a list of all possible baby related items that are necessary. Give each guest a pen and a paper and ask them to guess the price of each item and write it down. The participant with most correct guesses, wins.

  1. Baby Food Connoisseur

Split the guests into team of two. One of the members have to put on a blindfold and the other one has to feed them 10 different types of baby food, one spoon each. The player who is blindfolded has to guess the flavour of the food. The team with most correct guesses, wins.

  1. Who Said What?

This is a modified version of classis he said/she said. Take two copies of a list of questions and hand them to the mom-to-be and her partner before the shower. Collect the answers from them. As the party begins, hand one copy of questions to each of the guests and ask them to guess and write what the couple’s answer to this question would have been. The player with the most correct guesses, wins.

  1. Baby Shower Charades

This is the modified version of classic charades. Make chits of different baby related words and phrases. One person has to act and their team members have to guess. You can even make it more difficult by adding a time limit to guess.

  1. Wishes for the Baby

Hand the guests a sheet of pre-written questions for the wishes for baby game and a pen. Give them time to fill out each blank, for example, “Your parents will be proud of you because…” The players can make the answers as funny or as sentimental as they want. At the end of the game, all the participants are supposed to read their answers and vote for the best one.

  1. Baby Pool

This is actually more of an extended bet than just a game on the day of baby shower. Each of the guest get to guess the exact date and time of the birth of baby and write it in a paper. To make things more interesting, every person can even ass a dollar or so in the pool. After the birth, the guest with the closest answer wins the pool.

  1. Do You Know What It Is?

Take at least 10 different baby related items and put them in one paper bag each and seal the bag. Now pass the paper bag to each guest and they have to guess what it contains. They are allowed to shake and feel the bag. The person with most correct guesses, wins.

  1. Don’t Let Your Water Break!

Fill up a bucket with water balloons and put a start and finish line. Place a large bowl at the end of the finish line. The participants are supposed to hold the water balloon between their knees and waddle to the finish line and drop the balloon in the bowl. Then they must go back to the starting line and begin again. The person who drops the most balloons in a given time wins.

  1. Diaper Notes

Give each guest a diaper and a marker. The guests are supposed to either write a quote or a joke or even words of wisdom. The mom-to-be can either choose to keep these diapers as souvenir or can use them once the baby arrives.

  1. Poop Inspector

Put few different kinds of candy bars on microwave safe bowl and melt the. Put these bowls on the table and let all the guests guess the name of the candy bar.

  1. Art for the Baby

Get a bunch of mini canvases or white sheets of paper. Provide all the guests with one sheet each along with few art supplies and ask them to make one thing to add as a decoration in the baby’s nursery. They can make a painting, an inspirational quote, or anything they think would suit in the nursery.

  1. Relay Race

You can make your guests compete in a relay race with the events including changing diapers, sterilizing and filling the bottle with formula, pushing a stroller, etc.

  1. Baby Word Unscramble

Choose 15-20 words related to babies and scramble them by mixing their letters and forming a jumbled word. Print the sheets containing these words and hand them one each to the guests and set a time limit. The guest who is able to unscramble most words in given time, wins.

  1. Baby Shower Photos

We know that you will take a lot of pictures during your baby shower, but add a twist to it. Buy plenty of disposable cameras and hand one each to your guests. Let them all capture the moment and it will be a mystery till the film is developed.

  1. Baby Name Maker

Hand a sheet of paper and markers to each of your guests and ask them to write the names of expecting parents. Give them a time limit and ask them to come up with as many names as possible using the letter of the names written above only.

  1. Baby Drawings

Pass a sheet of paper and pen or pencil to each of the guest. Now ask them to draw a picture of a baby. The one with the best drawing wins. Seems easy, right? Now before they start drawing, place a paper plate on their heads. They should make sure that the plate doesn’t fall. And as soon as it falls, the player has to stop drawing.

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