10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development

It might be hard to believe but your baby has come a long way in just few weeks. That little head of theirs has started to take a much rounder and human-like shape. By now, all the internal organs are in their place and have started to function. It would seem unbelievable but the tiny tooth buds of your baby have started developing too. Their fingers and toes are growing longer and the webs between the fingers and toes have started to disappear. The eyes and eyelids of the baby are not formed yet but are in the process.

How Big Is Your Baby?

You might not feel this but your baby is actually growing very quickly. In just a matter of few short weeks, your baby is the size of a strawberry.

Mom’s Body at 10 Weeks Pregnant

Even though your baby is just the size of a strawberry, but your uterus is the size of a large orange now. Around this time, you should pay a visit to your healthcare provider for a thorough examination of yourself and the baby. Your doctor may do an external as well as internal examination to determine the size and position of the foetus. They may also take blood tests which are used to determine if you are having any other infections and whether your immunizations are up to date or not.

10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms

  • Morning Sickness: You might still experience morning sickness but the good news is that you can finally have some relief as the morning sickness reduces once you enter the second trimester.
  • Round Ligament Pain: This must be one of the most uncomfortable symptoms at this moment. Round ligaments are two ligaments that are present in your pelvis that support your uterus but as the baby grows, they stretch and soften causing pain on both sides of your abdomen. You can do few exercises to get a relief from this pain.
  • Minimal Weight Gain: Even though your body is growing bigger, you may not have gained much weight but now you will start to gain weight.
  • Exhaustion: You might feel like taking some rest after small intervals. This could be because of increased level of progesterone in the body.
  • Headaches: Moms-to-be usually face headaches during pregnancy. If you are feeling the same, you can take rest in a dark room and keep ice packs on your forehead to help you release the pain.
  • Mood Swings: Due to the hormonal changes in the body, you may suffer some mood swings. To overcome them, you can watch movies, read good books, get some massage.
  • Vaginal Discharge: You might be having vaginal discharge before this too but now you will see more of it because of increased blood supply and higher hormone levels. The discharge that you expect can be slightly milky and nearly odourless. But if you see bleeding or experience itching, contact your healthcare provider.

10 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider

  • This is the time when you reduce your caffeine intake. Many healthcare providers usually ask you to reduce or completely eliminate caffeine intake. Cutting it out can also provide you with better sleep.
  • Varicose veins may start to appear. This means that as your uterus grows more and more, the weight of it can hinder the blood flow in the lower parts of the body which can swell up the veins in your legs, and even appear blue. Although there are no ways to prevent this, but you can do some things to reduce the discomfort lie, not sitting in a cross-legged position, don’t sit or stand for long duration, also wear support hose to support the flow of blood or you can even do some pregnancy exercise.

As the weeks pass by, you get more and more excited for what is happening inside of your body. It is the magic of nature to see that your baby is just the size of a strawberry but yet has grown too much. You should take care of yourself and the way you perform physical activities. Your healthcare provider will tell you the things that you can or cannot eat during this time. But at this stage, it is your duty to keep your uterus safe as your baby is going through a crucial stage of development.

Check this post if you are wondering how far along you are in pregnancy?

Check this post to know 12 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms & More – Your Baby at 12 Weeks

Check this post to know 18 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms & More – Your Baby at 18 Weeks

Check this post to know 19 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms & More – Your Baby at 19 Weeks

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